Electro Sensors Pulser Disc, 258 Standard PVC, 8 x 0.5" MAGNETS, 4.00 x 0.25 x 0.196 STD, Shaft Speed Sensor. Product ID: 700-000209
Pulser_Discs|Spec Sheet,|,|,|,|,|
Electro Sensors TT420Z 4" Probe Temp Sensor, 1/4 in stainless steel probe often used with thermowells and compression fitting mount (tanks, piping, bearing grease fittings). Product ID: 800-001503
TT420-Temperature-Sensors|Spec Sheet,|,|,|,|,|
Electro Sensors TT420F temp sensor, flat surface mount. Mounts onto any flat surface with a #10 machine screw (included). Product ID: 800-001510
Electro Sensors Shaft Speed Sensor, ST420 high speed 0.2 - 2,000 RPM, 8 Pulses Per Revolution (PPR). Product ID: 800-001621
Shaft-Speed-Sensor|Spec Sheet,|,|,|,|,|