MX-M16-TB-EST Thermal Series
MX-M16-TB-EST Thermal Series
Product ID MX-M16TB-EST Thermal Series
DESCRIPTIONMOBOTIX M16TB-EST Thermal Imaging Camera with Designed to Detect the Relative Temperature Variations of the Body Surface. Includes (1) Thermal Sensor and (1) Slot For Optical Sensor Module (Sold Separately). (Please Specify Options.) MOBOTIX M16 EST Thermal Camera Solution for Body Temperature Screening The MOBOTIX EST thermal imaging camera (EST: Elevated Surface Temperature) has been specially designed to detect the relative temperature variations of the body surface. The detection, mainly by medical professionals, is used for an initial assessment of body temperature to identify potentially (COVID-19) infected people. The MOBOTIX EST thermal imaging camera can be used in healthcare facilities or other non-medical areas, such as airports or building access. The MOBOTIX EST thermal imaging camera setting has achieved clearance by the COVID-19 Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) in the U.S. in accordance with the FDA's enforcement policy for telethermographic systems (PDF). For any use in countries outside the US according to national law further clearance and approvals may apply and must be checked by the local distributor/end-customer. Temperature detection with the MOBOTIX EST thermal imaging camera is always performed on a single person. WHAT? - Check people at an entrance to a building like a school, office, etc.
- Detect elevated body temperature and assist to reduce risk
HOW? - Covid-19 often comes with elevated skin temperature (EST)
- The MOBOTIX M16 EST Solution detects temperatures contactless
- You can use the M16 EST thermal camera solution with the right setup
- Download Installation Guide (PDF)
WHY? - This solution follows the regulations of the FDA Enforcement Policy for Telethermographic Systems During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Public Health Emergency
The EST Solution always consists of two components - MOBOTIX EST Thermal Camera
- Black Body Radiator (Sold Separately)
- The Black Body Radiator is used to create an area with a reference temperature for the MOBOTIX EST Thermal Camera.
Additional Information:  Temperature Screening with MOBOTIX Thermal (pdf) Configuration and Setup of M16 Thermal EST Camera for Body Temperature Screening
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